Yunnan University's "Djibouti Research Group" visits the University of Djibouti

发布时间 Release time: 2019年01月28日 阅读次数 Hits:

2018年12月16日上午,云南大学吉布提调研组到访吉布提大学,与吉布提大学校长伽马·莫哈迈德·哈桑博士(Dr Djama Mohamed Hassan)、继续教育学院院长阿朴杜拉赫曼·乌赛·伽马(Abdourahman Houssein Djama)、文学院院长阿朴杜拉赫曼·亚赛·阿迈德博士(Dr Abdourahman Yacin Ahmed)进行了交流。






On the morning of December 16, 2018, the Research Group of the Republic of Djibouti of Yunnan University visited the University of Djibouti. With Dr. Gama Mohamed Hassan, President of the University of Djibouti; and Dr. Abdurrahman Yassai Ahmed, Director of the Faculty of Arts (Dr). Abdourahman Yacin Ahmed) communicates.

The President of the University of Djibouti, Gama Mohamed Hassan, extended a warm welcome to the delegation of the University of Yunnan and briefed the members of the delegation on the running of the University of Djibouti; It is pointed out that the two sides can carry out cooperation in the fields of academic exchanges and the cultivation of foreign students so as to achieve common development.

Abdourahman Houssein Djama, dean of the School of continuing Education of the University of Djibouti, briefed the delegation on the university's enrollment system and academic system, and said that he was looking forward to establishing an exchange and cooperation program with Yunnan University. At the same time, it is pointed out that the study of Sino-African relations in the School of International Relations is of great significance to Africa and is conducive to promoting in-depth exchanges in various fields between China and Africa.

During the meeting with Dr Abdourahman Yacin Ahmed, dean of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Djibouti, the delegation of Yunnan University briefed the dean of the university on the research project of our school, and the dean expressed his approval and support.

After the meeting, accompanied by the deans, the Yunnan University delegation visited the library, multimedia room, and training room of the University of Djibouti.

The delegation of Yunnan University expressed its heartfelt thanks to Djibouti University for its warm reception, praised Djibouti University for its beautiful campus, fine style of study, and orderly management, and said that it would continue to promote cooperation and exchanges between the two universities.