Status quo and Features of Japanese Investment and a Comparison with China

发布时间 Release time: 2018年09月09日 阅读次数 Hits:

摘要:近年来,日本政府意识到非洲无论从政治上还是经济上对于日本的重要性,加大了对非政策调整力度,加快了与非洲经济合作的步伐。2016 年8 月,日本在肯尼亚内罗毕召开“第六届东京非洲发展国际会议”,标志着日本对非政策由援助为主转向以贸易投资为主, 并具有明显的对冲中国在非影响力的意图。本文分析、总结了日本对非投资的发展历程、现状及特点,在此基础上,对中日两国在非投资的情况进行比较。


Abstract In consideration of the importance of Africa both on politically

and economicallyJapanese government has intensified the efforts on the policy adjustment towards Africa and accelerated the bilateral economic cooperation in recent years. In August 2016 Japan held the Sixth Tokyo International Conference on African Development in Nairobi Kenya which marked the Japanese African policy adjustment from aid-oriented to trade and investmentcentered with obvious intention to compete China's influence in Africa. This article analyzes and summarizes the development coursesstatus and characteristics of Japanese investment in Africa. Based on thisit makes the comparison of investment in Africa between Japan and China.


