A Multidimensional Perspective of African Oil Politics Studies

发布时间 Release time: 2018年09月19日 阅读次数 Hits:

摘要 学界对非洲石油政治的研究主要从石油政治学、政治经济学、比较政治学、社区田野调查等视角、方法切入,取得了丰硕的成果,提出了一系列富于启发性的结论。这些研究的关注点与内在问题逻辑存在显著差异,有些学者关注了非洲石油政治中的地缘政治与大国博弈问题、有些学者则围绕石油开发中的政治与经济互动展开了研究,还有一些学者从微观层面探讨了地方社区在石油开发中的政治角色与政治过程等问题。这种在学科范式上的局限导致了相关领域知识体系的碎片化。而非洲石油政治研究的核心议题在于“石油资源特殊性”与“非洲政治特殊性”结合基础上所引发的非洲国家政府、石油公司、地方社区之间更“平行”、“对称”的互动关系。目前学界对此的关注度还远远不足。未来如何实现研究视角的综合,如何在研究理论与方法论上实现“去殖民化”,并有效探索中国和非洲共创、共享的新话语模式和解释体系,应是中国学者在此问题上努力突破的方向。


Abstract: Currently, the research of African oil politics mainly bases on petropolitics, political economy, comparative politics and community field survey. It has made fruitful results and a series of instructive conclusions. There are significant differences between the research focuses and inherent logic of these studies. Some scholars pay close attention to the geopolitics and superpower games in African oil politics. And others study the interaction between politics and economy in African oil exploitation. Another scholars discuss the political role and process of local communities in oil exploitation from the micro level. The limitations of the discipline paradigms have resulted in the fragmentation of the knowledge hierarchy in this field. The core issue of African oil politics research lies in the “parallel” and “symmetrical” interactive relation of the governments, oil companies, and local communities, triggered by the particularity of petroleum resources and African politics. The academic attention to this issue is still far from enough. In the future, Chinese scholars should integrate all research perspectives and realize “decolonization” in research theory and methodology. Meantime, they should also explore the new, co-producing and sharing discourse mode and explanation system between China and Africa.

