恐怖主义动荡弧: 基于体系视角的解读
Analysis of Terrorism Arc of Instability from the Perspective of System

发布时间 Release time: 2019年01月28日 阅读次数 Hits:



       Abstract: The study of instability can not only start from organizational and conceptual level, but also from the system level. As a system, the formation of terrorism arc of instability is based on the units and their interaction. These units include global terrorist organizations, regional terrorist organizations, and “lone wolves”. Their interaction involves competition, cooperation, and alliances. The interactive content includes personnel movements, financial flows, and sharing of ideas. The terrorism arc of instability has a holistic character after its formation, and its core nature is the “feedback” effect. Among them, positive feedback promotes the change and development of the system, and negative feedback ensures the stability of the system. From the perspective of configuration, the terrorism arc of instability is unstable. It has experienced a rapid transformation of “uni-polarity and bipolarity” in a short period of time. From the perspective of mechanism, despite the lack of laws and treaties, mechanism of the free movement of units and other mechanism of the internal reward and punishment have emerged. From the perspective of culture, the terrorism arc of instability has formed a closed cultural field that distorted external information and shaped itself. Such information will solidify the cognitive patterns and processes of internal members, internalizing their terrorist identity, and ultimately making them a solid defender of the system. In response to the terrorism arc of instability system, the international community should not only take comprehensive countermeasures against terrorism, but also cutoff the support from the external world, so as to fundamentally eradicate terrorism.    

       KeyWords: Terrorism Arc of Instability; Units Interactive; System Properties; Integrative Governance

