Interpretation Paradigms for the Effectiveness of the Transboundary River Cooperation Mechanisms

发布时间 Release time: 2022年06月29日 阅读次数 Hits:

王涛 杨影淇



      Abstract:Effective transboundary river cooperation mechanisms will play a positive role in facilitating the collective actions of the countries in the river basin for developing the transboundary rivers, the settlement of disputes between the countries,and the sustainable development of society and economy in the whole basin. Hegemony theory holds that the hegemonic powers in the basin can combine power and geographical advantages to force or guide other countries to comply with the transboundary river cooperation mechanisms. The theory of cooperation mechanisms holds the views that improving the institutions of conflicts prevention and resolution and the systems of information sharing would help to enhance the effectiveness of the transboundary river cooperation mechanisms. According to the theory of integrated water resources management, integrating multiple issues and coordinating different subjects strengthen motivation to cooperate among the member states of the transboundary river cooperation mechanisms and enrich the means of governing for the mechanisms. The theory of coordination of external mechanisms raises that the rational allocation of re-sources for the mechanisms, the integration of norms of intrabasin governance, the optimization of management processes for the mechanisms and the expansion of platform for managing the cooperation are the keys to improve the effectiveness of transboundary river cooperation mechanisms. The nested regimes are helpful to explain the means of constructing consensus in the basin,and to respond to the various problems of governance caused by the different conditions and situations of transboundary rivers.

        Key words: transboundary river cooperation mechanisms; effectiveness;hegemony theory; theory of cooperation mechanisms; theory of integrated water resources management; theory of coordination of external mechanisms

    本文发表于《太平洋学报》 2022 年第 5 期。
