China’s Practice of Innovative ‘Development Plus Market’ Trilateral Cooperation

发布时间 Release time: 2023年02月17日 阅读次数 Hits:

张春  张紫彤

内容提要: 国际社会迄今为止的三方合作实践主要集中在国际发展合作领域。随着中国持续快速发展,三方乃至多方合作正变得日益重要,呼吁采纳广义的三方合作概念,建构跨领域、复合型三方合作。“一带一路”倡议提出以来,中国围绕复合型三方合作持续创新,不仅主动塑造三方发展合作,更首倡第三方市场合作。前者聚焦国际发展合作,后者是中国经济外交的历史性创新。中国始终坚持从共同发展和建构人类命运共同体的高度,从广义三方合作角度,以共通性为基础创新“发展+市场”复合型三方合作。三方发展合作和第三方市场合作均以合作各方比较优势为基础,通过政府居间协调提供公共产品,实现第三方真正受益,“一带一路”倡议特别是共商共建共享原则的制度化是二者统合的关键所在。“发展+市场”复合型三方合作的创新实践,可为构建更为宏观的跨领域、复合型三方合作奠定重要的理论和实践基础。

词: “一带一路”倡议;三方发展合作;第三方市场合作;三方合作

Abstract: International trilateral cooperation has so far mainly focused on development cooperation, which is also known as triangular cooperation. With China’ s sustained and rapid development, trilateral and multilateral Abstracts cooperation become increasingly important, and it is vital to develop cross-sector trilateral cooperation based on a broader defined concept of trilateral cooperation. Since the launch of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), China has been keeping innovations in trilateral cooperation through shaping triangular development cooperation and initiating third- party market cooperation. The former focuses on international development cooperation and the latter features a historic innovation of China’ s economic diplomacy. China always adheres to the vision of common development and building a community of shared future for mankind and tries to innovate the“development plus market” trilateral cooperation based on their commonality from the perspective of the broader-defined trilateral cooperation. Both trilateral development cooperation and third- party market cooperation are based on the comparative advantages of relevant parties and provide public goods through governments’ coordination to benefit the third party. The institutionalization of the BRI’s principles of extensive consultation,joint contribution and shared benefits serve as the bridge between the two types of cooperation. The innovative practice of the “development plus market” trilateral cooperation lays an important theoretical and practical foundation for the development of cross-sector trilateral cooperation.

Key words: Belt and Road Initiative, trilateral development cooperation, third-party market cooperation, trilateral cooperation

