Evolution and Patterns of French Security Assistance to Africa

发布时间 Release time: 2023年04月09日 阅读次数 Hits:

张 春 张紫彤

内容提要 法国对非洲的安全援助经历了3个发展阶段,即1960~1996 年对非军事技术援助、1997~2012年聚焦非洲维和能力培养和2013年以来开展的非洲反恐反叛活动,其非洲化、欧洲化和多边化特征日益凸显。法国对非安全援助同时在两个层次展开:在双边层次上,外交部聚焦军事培训与教育、后勤支助等,国防部更重视战术、技术合作,并将能力培养植入直接干预努力;在多边层次上,法国以欧盟为主渠道实现成本分摊并提升法非安全关系的合法性。法国坚持“法兰西非洲”模式和高度军事化方法,加上其战略内部关系失衡、欧洲化侧重成本分摊而非利益分享、对非洲自主权严重忽视等情况,使安全援助很大程度上成为法国对非事务干预的合法化外衣,且是法国基于自身利益而扩大其在非洲的政治影响和争夺对非洲事务主导权的手段。“新月形沙丘行动”的重新部署,不仅暗示着法国对非安全援助的转型,更意味着作为整体的安全援助理论与实践的政治化、战略化发展。

法非关系 能力培养 安全援助 “法兰西非洲” 新月形沙丘行动”

Abstract: Security assistance is becoming an important tool for great powers to shape international security since the end of the Cold War. Since the independence of Africa, French-Africa security assistance experienced three stages of development, namely military technical assistance during1960-1997,the RECAMP during 1997-2012, and anti-terrorism and anti-insurgency era since 2013, with increasing levels of Africanization,Europeanization, and multilateralization. Currently, French -Africa security assistance operates on two levels with three focuses: bilaterally, the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs takes charge of military training and education, and logistic support, and the Ministry of Defense focuses on operational and technical cooperation, implanting capacity-building into direct military intervention; multilaterally, France pursues burden-sharing and legitimacy -enhancing through EU and other multilateral channels. While strengthened France's role in African security, the Francafrique model and highly militarised approaches tend to trigger antipathy in African public, complicated by its internal strategic imbalance,Europeanization aiming forburden-sharing rather than interest -sharing, and ignorance about African ownership, the French security assistance to Africa largely failed to achieve its strategic goals, and became a clout of legitimacy for intervention in Africa. The redeployment of Opération Barkhane triggers not only potential transformation of France's security assistance to Africa, but also theoretical and practical development of security assistance in general.

Key words: France-Africa relations; security assistance; capacity building;Francafrique model; "Opération Barkhane"

