泛索马里主义的历史渊源与流变 ——兼论泛索马里主义与恐怖主义的关系
An Analysis of the Origins and Development of Pan-Somalism ——Also on the Relationship between Pan-Somalism and Terrorism

发布时间 Release time: 2018年09月19日 阅读次数 Hits:

摘要 泛索马里主义是历史发展的产物。索马里人共同的生活方式、语言、文化信仰,殖民瓜分对索马里人的冲击,反殖民主义斗争对内部认同的强化共同孕育了泛索马里主义。而“贝文计划”的失败最终促使泛索马里主义意识形态的产生。1948-1960年,泛索马里主义主要以反欧洲殖民主义为旗号,以政党政治为手段,其诉求是初步建立一个局部统一的索马里人独立国家。1960-1969年,泛索马里主义以反“邻国殖民主义”为旗号,以政府为主要实施者,试图同时达成内部整合与外部扩张的双重目标。1969-1978年,泛索马里主义被嫁接到“科学社会主义”之中,巴雷军政府试图以此援引苏联的力量来建立大索马里国家。1978-1991年,泛索马里主义回归到氏族主义层面,重新建构自身的理念与实践基础,并以巴雷军政府为斗争对象。1991-2012年,泛索马里主义借助伊斯兰主义的力量,试图以共同的宗教调和各氏族间的差异,通过常规武装斗争消除索马里人的内在分裂。2012年以来,泛索马里主义与恐怖主义相关联,试图以非常规恐怖袭击为手段达成所谓“大索马里伊斯兰国”的目标。泛索马里主义无论是与西方观念还是与伊斯兰主义相结合,它都有固定的内涵,即整合全体索马里人,建立大索马里国家;但实现此一目标的方式、斗争的对象都经历了复杂的历史嬗变。泛索马里主义既有民族主义的表征,又展现出反民族主义的跨地区文化主义特性,甚至与恐怖主义也产生了联系。不过,泛索马里主义与恐怖主义只是一种相互借势、各取所需的关系,前者有其文化合理性因素。在未来,只有将其改造为局限于索马里国境内的、有限度的“索马里国族主义”,它才能在促进国家构建、维护地区和平方面发挥出积极作用。

Abstract: Pan-Somalism is the production of historical development. It was breed by the common lifestyle, language and cultural belief of Somalis. It was also breed by the impact of colonization and the reinforcement of internal identity during the period of anti-colonial struggle. The failure of “Bevin Plan” eventually led the production of the ideology of Pan-Somalism. From 1948 to 1960, through the banner of anti European colonialism and the use of party-politics, The final aim of Pan-Somalism is to establish a unified and independent Somalia. Form 1960 to 1969, through the banner of anti neighboring colonialism, and supporting by the government, Pan-Somalism was tried to reach the dual goals of internal integration and external expansion. From 1969 to 1978, due to the combination of the Pan-Somalism and the “scientific socialism”, the Siad Barre Regime accordingly sought to build a greater Somalia by introducing the power of the USSR. From 1978 to 1991, Pan-Somalism came back to the clanism, seeking to reconstruct its own ideas and action basis, and fighting against the Siad Barre Regime. From 1991 to 2012, Pan-Somalism, by supporting of Islamism, tried to meditate the differences between each clan with the same religion, and to eliminate the internal division of Somalis by armed struggle. Since 2012, Pan-Somalism has been associated with terrorism in order to achieve the target of establishing an Islamic State based on shari’a law in Greater Somalia by the terrorist attack. Pan-Somalism has a fixed connotation, namely the integration of all Somalis and the establishment of a greater Somalia, no matter it is combined with western ideology or Islamism. But the methods and the struggle objects all changed in history. Pan-Somalism shows the feature of nationalism, but it also shows the feature of trans-regional culturalism of anti-nationalism. It even relates to the terrorism. However, The Pan-Somalism and terrorism are only making use of each other because the former one has its cultural rationality. In the future, only by turning Pan-Somalism into a limited Somali nationalism which is confined within its territory, it can boost the state construction and play a positive role in maintaining the regional peace.

